Rehab Las Vegas
Rehab Beach Club Review
The name is ironic. We want you to know that so you don’t show up expecting a relaxing place to cure your vices. This Rehab is pretty much the opposite of that. Instead of long talks about your issues you get off-the-hook parties and instead of actual resolutions you get loads of drinks and loud music. To be clear: This is not the place for someone with serious addiction issues. Now that that’s out of the way, this is the place for everyone who has yet to accept that they have serious party addiction issues.
The sprawling Paradise Beach complex where Rehab and Hard Rock Hotel’s other pool parties take place is one of the many spots we describe as a tropical oasis. But this one is a little different in that it’s filled with tons of crazy, awesome and crazy-awesome people — and still palm trees. The big attraction, of course, is the main pool, where you can stand around and dance with a bunch of nearly naked strangers who also aren’t actually swimming. Because, let’s face it, it’s a pool club, not a pool. Although, there is a water slide that drops you into a more secluded pool area. And the bar lets you get out of the sun for a bit while you decide which drink to try next — or just what you can afford to try since the prices are a bit steeper than you might expect.
Rehab Beach Club VIP Treatment
When it comes to the VIP treatment, multiple levels of cabanas are available, with different levels of seclusion and views of the pool area. You can choose to be right in the middle of the insanity or a little bit away, but still very much adjacent to said insanity. But, if you just can’t handle any more of the absolute awesome sauce that’s spilled all over Rehab, your entry fee also gives you access to Hard Rock’s Nirvana Pool and Breathe Pool, so you can take a little bit of a break –then come back and party more.
We’re not saying Rehab is some outrageous, take no prisoners, let’s see how drunk and destructive we can get kind of party. We’re just saying that it’s not lame either. It’s got action aplenty and hundreds of people who will probably never use the word “aplenty.” And it’s the place to go when you want a party that’s potentially a bit too intense for the Las Vegas Strip but still cool enough to leave you satisfied and craving another trip to Rehab.
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